Welcome to the 2022 Carolina Bowl Fundraiser page. This is the individual dashboard that you will use to greet, share, except payment, send thank you notes, and monitor your goals live on demand. This will allow you access to the most high-tech fundraiser site ever offered in our industry that will for sure give you advanced tools to not only reach but exceed, the $1,250.00 minimum in fundraising required to participate in the Carolina Bowl. Remember, various prizes will be given to those with the highest fundraising totals! Let’s get started!


Each athlete will start by clicking on the “CREATE FUNDRAISER PAGE” button. once you have completed that section you can use the “LOGIN TO FUNDRAISER PAGE” to manage your account throughout the process. Next, you can use the “DONATE TO ATHLETE” button to donate to any athlete that is already registered. WARNING: Please make sure you click on the athlete’s name to make sure the donation goes to the athlete that you intend to donate to.